Thirty minutes into the test, the publisher wrote on Twitter that it was 'aware that users are having issues logging in. The Street Fighter V Beta, which allows players to access an early test build of the game, launched around 6pm Pacific on Thursday (2am Friday UK time). Users who pre-order digitally through PSN will not need to redeem a Beta key, but will need to manually download the Street Fighter V Beta client from the PSN store starting on 7/20. In a rapid response to a growing number of reports from users explaining they could not access the beta build, Capcom took test servers down and notified fans across social media.Īt the time of going to press, the game is inaccessible, though Capcom expects the matter will be resolved very soon. Once you get your Beta key, you can input immediately into PSN to download the Street Fighter V Beta client. Original story: Capcom has deactivated its servers connecting players to the Street Fighter V Beta on PlayStation 4, little more than an hour after the game build first went live. Please stay tuned for further updates.' Update Ends.] We sincerely apologise for having to bring this unfortunate news to you. 'We will let you know the date on which the closed beta test will re-open once all problems have been fixed. Well this isnt off to such a great start. By clicking 'enter', you agree to GameSpot's Capcoms beta test for the PS4 exclusive (and PC) Street Fighter V hasnt fared so well and has now been yanked.