The game allows this value to have a +/- 1 Battle Rating difference between players. Matchmaking works by using the BR of your top 3 planes in the line-up (preset) you are using, to calculate a value. Usually you should not be put up against planes that are more than 1BR higher or lower than you. In realistic battles, you have only one plane and it's BR is used to match you with approximately equal enemies. War Thunder takes into account your planes' Battle Rating (BR) when deciding battles. Some planes have different Battle Ratings in realistic battles than they do in arcade battles. THIS IS FOR PLANES ONLY, NOT FOR TANKS Battle Rating īattle Rating (BR) is used to balance out planes based on how well they fight, or how dangerous they are. 3.1 How Battle Rating is calculated (This is for arcade mode only).1 THIS IS FOR PLANES ONLY, NOT FOR TANKS.